The Constitution of Beta Chapter of Sgma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, Inc. is modified from that of the National Organization of Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, Inc.




Section 1. Qualification

A person is eligible for membership in Beta Chapter if qualified for membership in Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, Inc. as specified in the National Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2. Rights of Membership

a. To vote and hold office

b. To petition the National Council in writing on matters of concern to the National Organization; and

c. To attend all meetings of the chapter and organization to gain a hearing.

Section 3. Categories

a. A Full Member is one who meets the requirements as stated in this Article, Section 1 and who pays full national dues.2

b. A Graduate Student Member is one who is registered for an advanced degree as described in Article II, Section 3 of the National Bylaws. She or he shall pay not more than one-half the annual national dues and shall have all rights of membership.

c. Emeritus Member. A full member may become an Emeritus Member for reasons of health or age. She shall pay not more than one-half the annual national dues and shall have all the rights of membership.

d. A Chapter Honorary Membership may be conferred upon a member of any Chapter. She shall pay national dues according to the National Bylaws.

(Article II, Section 3a(1).

e. Affiliates

There may be Non-voting Affiliate members as described in the National Bylaws (Article II, Section 3c).

(1) Undergraduate science majors and elementary and secondary science teachers (see National Bylaws, Article II, Section 3c(1) for requirements) may become non-voting affiliate members. They shall not pay national dues, but shall pay a designated amount for the national newsletter.

(2) Non-Scientists may also become non-voting affiliate members. Their memberships shall be approved by the National President as described in the National Bylaws. They shall pay a designated amount for the national newsletter.

f. Inactive Members

A member who has resigned or has allowed her membership to lapse by non-payment of dues for one (1) year shall be inactive. She may be reinstated without payment of back national dues only once, by payment of the current year’s national and chapter dues.

g. Transfer of Membership

A member may transfer from one chapter to another chapter. If dues have already been paid to the former chapter, the new chapter shall waive dues for the current year.

and that there is clear information about your leadership selection process in general.


Section 1. Officers

a. The officers shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary/Website Coordinator, Treasurer, Scholarship Coordinator, Social Chair, BUGS Liaison and an honorary National Liaison. All officers must be graduate students at UW-Madison and registered GWIS members.

b. The officers (composed solely of graduate students) shall constitute the Executive Committee (or Executive Board, etc.) which will be the governing and decision-making body of the chapter.

Section 2. Committees

Committees can be made ad hoc by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Disbandment

a. The chapter may elect to disband and forfeit its charter.

b. Upon disbandment of the chapter, the assets must be distributed in a manner according to the amended Certificate of Incorporation and Article VII, Section 5 of the National Bylaws. A full report shall be made to the National Treasurer.

Section 4. Inactive Status

a. The chapter may request ‘inactive status’ for stated reasons, such as the inability to comply with Article III, Section 6 of the National Bylaws. The request shall be in writing to the National Council (see Nat’l Bylaws, Art. III,

Sections 8 and 9.

b. If granted by National Council, the chapter may become inactive for up to five years without losing its charter.



Section 1.

a. General meetings shall be held according to a schedule agreed upon by the chapter members.

b. An Annual Business Meeting shall be held as the last general meeting of the fiscal year.

c. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held from time to time when deemed necessary by the President.

d. Induction of new members may be held at any meeting.

Section 2. Quorum

a. A quorum for the transaction of business at any general meeting shall be at least 6 members and at least 3 officers, one of whom must be either the President or Vice-President.

b. A quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be four.

Section 3. Voting

At any meeting, questions shall be decided by a majority vote, unless otherwise prescribed, by the voters present in person or by proxy.



Section 1. New chapter officers shall be elected by acting officers by the end of the Spring Semester during the annual Business Meeting. New officers shall be trained into their new positions during the summer and officially take over their new positions at the beginning of the following academic year.

Section 2. The Vice-President shall be elected to serve for a term of two fiscal years. The Vice-President will automatically become President during her second term.

Section 3. Secretary/Website Coordinator, Treasurer, Scholarship Coordinator, Social Chair, BUGS Liaison shall each be elected to serve for a term of one fiscal year. The officer may decide to stay in such position for a longer period of time pending approval from the other committee members. Otherwise, the officer may serve in the specific position until a new officer has been elected and installed.

Section 4. The National Liaison Officer shall be an honorary position offered to the outgoing President if she decides to take it. This position shall not be opened for vote.

Section 5. In the event that a vacancy occurs in any office, the Executive Committee shall make an appointment for the unexpired term.



Section 1. Officers

The powers and duties of the officers of this chapter shall be those usually vested in their respective positions. In addition:

a. The President

(1) shall be ex-officio a member of all committees, except the nominating committee, keeping contact with their work to the extent that may be advisable

(2) may call a meeting of the Executive Committee as required for efficient operation of chapter business.

(3) may authorize the withdrawal of funds from the treasury for the payment of obligations incurred by the chapter for such other purposes as the Executive Committee may approve.

(4) shall send to the National Secretary, 30 days before the Grand Chapter meeting, a report of the activities of the chapter during the past year.

(5) may act as an alternate signing authority

(6) shall be in charge of organizing a career development activity

(7) organize the recruiting process at the beginning of each academic year

(8) shall email the listserv before June 30th to remind them of paying their dues

(9) shall update the by-laws with any new modifications during the annual Business Meeting held at the end of the Spring Semester

(10) register the organization as an RSO at the beginning of the academic year.

(11) shall call the meetings and provide an agenda with the key items to discuss

(12) fill in the annual chapter report for National at the end of Spring semester during the annual Business Meeting

(13) shall welcome incoming officers and offer them a “welcome package” with all the necessary information to make the transition easier

(14) contact the National Secretary on a regular basis to get an update on membership

b. The Vice-President

(1) shall act in the absence of the President, assuming all her duties and obligations.

(2) shall take over for the president in the following school term

(3) organize and oversight a minimum of two outreach events every year

(4) maintain a good relationship with EYH organizers and organize GWIS participation in such event

(5) shall be in charge of recruiting new officers for the incoming year and preside the elections

(6) shall manage and update the listserv

c. The Secretary shall act as recording and corresponding secretary and shall:

(1) update the agenda and upload it to the google drive right after every meeting.

(2) assist a member who moves to another area and wishes to transfer to another chapter by reporting the transfer to the National Secretary and to the recipient chapter secretary or president.

(3) send the names, addresses and telephone numbers of newly elected chapter officers to the National Secretary no later than 30 days after chapter elections.

(4) update facebook and Student organization websites with information regarding chapter activities and grant and work opportunities. May rely on a marketing intern to take care of this responsibility.

(5) update the GWIS beta chapter website with relevant information for the school term.

d. The Treasurer shall:

(1) be authorized to withdraw money from the treasury for the payment of financial obligations incurred by the chapter.

(2) keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures and shall make a full account at each annual business meeting and upon request at other meetings. The accounts shall be audited annually.

(3) hold a key to the mailbox and check it periodically to collect dues from chapter members as prescribed by the National Organization.

(4) hold a debit card associated with GWIS-Beta Chapter account

(5) oversight the Tina Hill Graduate Women in Science Beta Chapter Endowment with the University of Wisconsin Foundation

(6) file form 990-N by July 31st of each year to retain our chapter’s non-profit/tax exempt status

(7) manage the bank accounts. This includes setting up a meeting at the beginning of the academic year to add the new officers to the account. The President, Treasurer and Social Chair will all be added to the account and receive debit cards.

e. The Scholarship Coordinator shall:

(1) organize the seminar competition in the Fall semester

(2) organize the Ruth Dickie Scholarship and Grand-in-Aid competition during the Spring semester

(3) respond questions about scholarships on both a chapter and a national level

f. The Social Chair shall:

(1) organize the kick-off meeting at the beginning of the academic year

(2) organize social events on a regular basis to facilitate networking amongst members

(3) foster and maintain relationships with professional contacts in order to plan and implement professional speaker events as well as networking events.

(4) shall hold a debit card associated to the account

g. The Liaison Officer shall:

(1) work for effective participation of chapter members in the business of the National Organization, seeking out capable members who may be recommended for national office or for national committees.

(2) be the chapter consultant on the National Constitution and Bylaws.

(3) if possible, attend the Grand Chapter meeting and assist the chapter president in obtaining chapter delegates to Grand Chapter.


Section 2. The Executive Committee :

a. shall be empowered to conduct business as requires attention between meetings of the chapter. Such business shall be reported to the members at the next general chapter meeting.

b. may confer Honorary Chapter membership upon a woman in recognition of outstanding achievements in science or science education.


Section 1. The Fiscal Year shall be that of the National Organization, i.e., July 1 to June 30 of the next year.

Section 2. The amount of chapter dues shall be determined at the Annual Business meeting.

Section 3. Payment of dues

a. National dues are paid directly to the National Office upon receipt of the annual dues notice at the beginning of the fiscal year.

b. National dues for new members may be given to the chapter treasurer before induction into the chapter.

c. Chapter dues are paid as determined by the National Organization.

Section 4. Full members shall pay full chapter dues (see this article, Section 2) and shall have all the rights and privileges of chapter membership.

Section 5. Graduate Student members shall pay 100% of the established chapter dues and shall have all the rights and privileges of chapter membership.

Section 6. Emeritus members shall pay 100% the established chapter dues and shall have all rights and privileges of chapter membership.

Section 8. A member may become a National Life Member by paying a designated amount in one lump sum, as determined by the National Organization.

Section 9. Honorary Members

a. National Honorary Members are not required to pay dues to either the National Organization or to the local chapter. They shall have all the rights and privileges of full chapter membership.

b. Chapter Honorary Members who are active members of Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, Inc. need not pay chapter dues and shall have all the rights and privileges of chapter membership. They are required to pay national dues.

Section 10. Contributions

Sigma Delta Epsilon, Graduate Women in Science, Inc. is organized and operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes. Therefore, the Internal Revenue Code ruling states that “Donors may deduct contributions to you and your exempt subordinate units (chapters) as provided by Section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devices, transfers or gifts to or for your use or to or for the use of your exempt subordinate units are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes under Sections 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Code.”



Procedures and other items not specified in these Bylaws or by the rules of the National Organization shall be in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.



An amendment to these bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Committee or any member in good standing:

a. It shall be presented in writing to the chapter membership at least 30 days before the Annual Business Meeting.

b. Affirmative votes of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by members present at the Annual Business Meeting are necessary for adoption of the amendment.